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Learn more about NICS/Oasis and the incredible mission God has us on.

300+ graduates

EACH YEAR from NICS Schools

Over 800

Teachers are employed by NICS Network Schools

Est. in 1983

The first NICS school was launched in 1983 >> Read More!
The schools

With 15 schools in 13 different countries,

the cultural and relational experiences are endless.

Each one of our schools exist to offer quality education

to the next generation & a spiritual base for them

to live their lives.

Serve with these awesome teachers

Alyssa Henrikson

Music Teacher
I love teaching with NICS/OASIS for more reasons than I can explain here, but the biggest reason is getting to see a clearer picture of God through the students at our school. We have the world in our classrooms, and serving Him through loving them is greater than any job I could have imagined. There are over 70 passport countries represented at our school, but our students carry so many more cultures inside them. They are my heroes.
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Becca Lafferty

HS English Teacher
As a student, I attended two NICS schools: BAIS (Bandung, Indonesia), and ICS (Singapore). My life was made so much richer by my involvement in two schools that truly cared about investing into their students, pouring Jesus into them, and providing an excellent education. Thus, when the opportunity to teach at ICS came up, I knew I had to jump at it. I love teaching with NICS because I get to fulfill the Great Commission every day: the nations are in my classroom, I get to tell students about the Gospel, and I get to teach in a way that encourages critical thinking and a faithful foundation. I love being able to serve my students and to serve with my students in various capacities. Investment truly matters, and I know I would not be the person I am today without attending AND teaching in the NICS network.
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Jason Lantz

PE Teacher
I have loved being a part of NICS for the past decade. I get to build deep, vibrant relationships with my students, I am continuously being challenged to grow in my faith, and I have learned to appreciate a variety of cultures. But what I love most of all is that being a part of NICS means being a part of a global family spread out all over the world, a family that prays for one another, encourages and supports one another, and serves one another. The way the NICS community loves each other is a reflection of the way Christ loves us, and I am so grateful to be a part of this family.
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kevin copeland

Music Teacher
I love teaching at NICS because I get to show children the love of Christ through music. In the classroom, I get to daily see my students use their God given talents to praise and worship Him. I also really enjoy teaching at NICS because I found the love of my life, Laura Johnson, 4th grade ICS-P teacher, and I get to marry her this June!
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Samuel Benedict

ES 4th Grade Teacher
I have loved working for NICS over the past two years. I work in Seoul, South Korea at Yongsan International School of Seoul (YISS), as a fourth-grade homeroom teacher. I have enjoyed teaching at a high academic level, while using biblical integration to share my faith. YISS has a great community that works together to grow spiritually and academically. The teaching staff is friendly and supportive of each other. The school offers a Christian and Oasis path for religion, so there are many different religions represented by students. This presents a great opportunity to share God’s love with people who believe differently. The best thing about working for NICS and YISS is being in community with other believers for a united goal of furthering God’s kingdom.
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Kalista Huddleston

Kindergarten Teacher
In Matthew 28, God calls us to make disciples of all nations. It always amazes me how he brings these precious souls from all nations straight into our school. In only 3 years teaching Kindergarten, I have taught students from 24 nations. In our entire school, students have come from over 70 nations. I get to teach my students how to read, write, and count, but my favorite thing to teach them is how much God loves them. Some of them have never been told that before, and it is such an incredible privilege to get to love them with God's love. I love my job. I love the laughs, the hugs, the creativity, the diversity, and the tender hearts. I love the curiosity, the kindness, and the heart-melting smiles. Sometimes I think they teach me more about God's unconditional love then I could ever teach them. Teaching for NICS has truly been a life-changing experience for me. I am thankful for it everyday.
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the journey

  • Graduates from NICS
    300+ Each Year
  • Students Who Graduated & Attended College or University
  • Attend Chapel Each Week
  • Current Faculty & Staff

the gospel

  • Our Purpose for existing is to reach the world for Christ through international Christian education. The Network of International Christian Schools is founded on the belief that a major thrust for world evangelism and discipleship for Christ can happen through the classroom with the impact made by committed Christian educators overseas. Children have many teachers in their lives, whether they be at home, in the classroom, on the street or elsewhere; none, however, have a more powerful impact than educators in the classroom.

the benefits
of serving
with nics

  • Working in a Christ-centered environment with like-minded colleagues
  • Opportunity to impact the world for Christ
  • World-class comprehensive health insurance program
  • Student-centered not test-centered education
  • Lifelong longevity benefits for employees serving 20+ years
  • Financial support processing services
  • Viable In-network transfer program
  • The NICS University Partnerships Program that promotes scholarships and other programs offered by universities and colleges specifically designed to benefit NICS employees and/or their dependents, and NICS graduates

School Highlights

raising support

We're Here To Help

Salaries provided by most of our schools are adequate for a single person with a modest lifestyle, based on the economies of our host countries. Raising supplemental support is an option for all staff, but a few of our schools also require the raising of some support. For those in our network who will have the opportunity to raise support, there is no one way to do support raising. Support raising is a God ask, not a human ask. Humans can’t do it, but God can.

Our team is here to help you through your support raising journey. Click the button below to see some fundraising tips our team put together.
Email address
view some of our  fundraising tips
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teaching job. Find your passion and make a global
and eternal impact in a Christ-centered environment.

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